Chokwe Tribe Collection
55 products
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Chokwe, also spelled Jokwe, are Bantu-speaking people who live in the southern part of Congo (Kinshasa) from the Kwango River to the Lualaba, as well as in north-eastern Angola and, since 1920, the north-western corner of Zambia. The Chokwe people established several kingdoms, each led by a king. Drought and famine struck the Chokwe people around 1860. They returned south, settling in Angola and Democratic Republic of the Congo at the confluence of the Kwangi, Kasai, and Lungwe rivers. They live in woodland savannas with swaths of rainforest along rivers, swamps, and marshlands. They are a mixture of many aboriginal peoples and conquering groups of Lunda origin. The Chokwe and related peoples have been greatly affected by modern conflicts, despite the adversity they continue to pursue their own ways. In militarized areas in Angola and Congo, as well as in Zambian refugee camps, they practice initiation, divination, and healing rites. Some Chokwe chiefs have been displaced by war, and their authority has been challenged by modern governments political goals. Nevertheless, Chokwe chiefs continue to represent traditional and sacred authority.